I have never been to the store but needed to get some table-top mounts for the table I have been making. For woodworkers, this place is about as close to heaven as I can imagine with good stock of all sorts of hardware, finishes, tools, etc. I picked up the things I needed and a few things I didn't. I am inspired to make more use of my tools and it is nice to know that I have this resource not too far away.
It is still a little cold to start stripping the final door for the bedroom so I found other stuff to keep me busy. One project I started was a frame for a photograph that I had enlarged. I bought some mahogany some time ago and started cutting it down the other day. I spent some time in the morning reconfiguring the shop because it just hasn't worked for me. I made a bit more space for the table saw and can now actually use my workbench/desk as such (instead of a place to just gather clutter).
Wow! The frame is looking good. Taking pictures to be framed can get pricey and this looks just as good.
If that is simple, then simple is gorgeous!
That's a nice frame. And it reminds me that I have quite a bit of things that need to be framed around here. Maybe I'll have to bust out the new, unused miter saw and start getting to work. Oh, wait, I have dozens of other projects on tap! ;)
Thanks for the advice on the basement ceiling ideas, also. I'm still looking for some time to try my idea, but the way you handled your ceiling is definitely a better option than drywall, in my opinion.
Nice frame!
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