Monday, November 12, 2007

A new bedroom fixture

I just couldn't do it. I couldn't bring myself to spend over 600 bucks on a ceiling fan from the place that makes those beautiful mica shades. Instead, we went online and created a more affordable knock-off from the various parts available.
Supposedly the fan and the fixture are the same finish and they are from the same company - but I am sure you can imagine the minor stress we feel buying something online without having a chance to see it in person first. Hopefully the two items won't look as "different" as the photos suggest.

Once the fan arrives and is installed, I'll give a "consumer report" on it. Hopefully it will be good. I am guessing anything will be better than the white monstrosity that hangs in the room now. It should also go a long way to transforming the room from the Southwestern motif rendered in "oh so tasteful" 80's pastels to something a bit more traditional Arts & Crafts.

Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween.... ...might this room be finished by December???

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, that oh-so-taste(less) 80's Southwestern decor! Our favorite restaurant is COVERED in it.

I like the clean lines of that fan... hopefully it looks as good as I think it will!