Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Fourth of July from the OP

Nothing says "4th of July like the parade down our street in the OP. It is a slice of Mayberry, mixed with a little Woodstock (both the rock and the peaceful vibe) for good measure.Its been kinda crappy outside today so I've spent some time in the yard. I've done a lot of weeding, made a trellis for the peas, tied up a lot of plants and picked more raspberries ( a future post will have more on this)The plants look pretty good. The cone flowers are close to five feet tall (I'm 6-4 so you can see how insane they are this year). My daughter decided on a theme for the windows out back. When at lunch she exclaimed, "let's paint the windows with Sox and Cubs", I thought she was crazy. Then I realized she meant the windows out back and not the windows in the house. She did a vary good job and might be able to start painting these all by herself in the near future.


Kim said...

The windows look awesome! Great job, Sophie.

Andy said...

Go Southpaw!