Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stripping ceiling beams sucks...

...thank God they were never painted.   I feel like I've gotten nowhere.  I've spent over 13 hours on the ceiling and am about half done.  It is going to be an ugly week if I hope to complete it all by the weekend.
The "work" that was previously done on the woodwork at the ceiling is probably the worst in the room.  It seems to make sense: it is not easy to get at and it has a lot of compound pieces so it is a bitch to work on.  Below is an image of, on the right: a piece I already cleaned and stripped and on the left: a piece I haven't worked on.  The difference is more remarkable than the cleaned wood in the living room. 
Meanwhile, we've moved the dining table into the living room.  I like the change so far.


Sharon Kwilter said...

My sympathies go to you.
Stripping the box beam ceiling is a lot of the reason we hired out the paint stripping. Yuck.
But they really pop once they're done! It will be totally worth it.

The Bois Bungalow said...

Gorgeous beams! Ours were painted and textured... can you imagine?! Who thinks it's a good idea to paint over such beautiful wood? We are going to be sanding our woodwork for the rest of our lives...

Omar said...

Oh man, that's looking sweet... This gives me encouragement to get back to work on my ceiling beams. thanks